MINT™ PDOs are absorbable sutures inserted beneath the skin to lift sagging tissue, contour, and define your natural features.

The procedure takes less than 1 hour, and the changes can be seen instantly. Results last for up to 1 year during which the threads stimulate the production of collagen as they dissolve to tighten and volumize the skin.



The doctor will administer local anaesthesia prior to the procedure. You may feel pressure during the insertion of the threads and hear the “clicking” sound of the threads, but you should feel minimal pain during the procedure. Once the thread is inserted into the skin, the tiny barbs on the thread anchors onto sagging tissue and are then maneuverer to contour the skin. The thread dissolves in 6-8 months

There is minimal downtime involved and treatments can be repeated as necessary.

MINT PDO thread lifts are carried our by a registered doctor

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Our Price List

To avail of any special offers, please purchase a voucher. Quote the voucher number when making your appointment


MINT PDO Brow Lift


MINT PDO Neck Lift


MINT PDO Face Lift


MINT PDO Face, Neck and Brow


What You Need To Know

  • Some bruising and swelling.

Skin Concerns

  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles.
  • Lax or Sagging skin.